Dr. Richard Fischer CEO
Altoida Inc.

Dr. Richard Fischer

Throughout his career Dr. Richard Fischer has developed a great reputation in building highly profitable “Start-Up” companies in the global medical device arena.

With his solid background, he gained over 16 years of outstanding leadership experience as a highly qualified executive, and is a graduate Medical Doctor from the “UMF” Medical School in Craiova, Romania. He completed the General Surgery residency program in Germany, before transitioning into the field of medical devices in order to help treat patients with innovative products.

Dr. Fischer is very passionate about helping end the ongoing struggle of precisely diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease and ultimately hopes to play a significant role in the discovery of the cure to this irreversible brain disorder.

By joining Altoida Inc. an innovative company that recently created an accurate predictive technology based on cognitive and non-cognitive biomarkers of early onset dementia, he has taken the first step in pursuing his vision to support the development of the computational biomarkers characterizing Alzheimer’s disease.

He firmly believes in a strong collaboration between his highly qualified team and the international Alzheimer’s advocacy organizations to develop an effective strategy for implementing this technology, and integrating machine learning in the field of disease prevention.

The innovative program, named “Altoida AR”, can detect the first neurological effects of Alzheimer’s disease with a remarkable 94% accuracy rate, up to six years before symptoms appear.

Dr. Fischer adamantly believes that “Altoida AR” will become the global standard of care in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease – benefiting millions of patients every year.


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