Jean Horta Chief Knowledge Officer

Jean Horta

Jean Horta has an MA in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University. Her desire to find practical applications for philosophical principles has lead her to the field of behavioral analysis. She joined the MindCotine team as Chief Knowledge Officer after conducting independent research on the impact of digital technologies on human perceptual structures, while working for the private intelligence sector in Israel. Her vast experience in research and analysis has further developed her abilities to capture, adapt, transform, engage and deploy any and all kinds of information into meaningful patterns with practical purposes.

At MindCotine, she works arm in arm with the R&D team on the application of VRET and Mindfulness to treat addictive behavior. Currently in the phase of clinical trials, their studies show promising results. Jean is also a long-time AI student and a Neuroscience enthusiast, with a knack for real-world algorithms and a systemic approach to knowledge.


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