Harrison Linowes Computer Science
University of Maryland

Harrison Linowes

Harrison Linowes is a student at the University of Maryland in his junior year studying Computer Science. His years of experience in the virtual reality industry has enabled him to apply this technology in various industries through his employment at the National Institutes of Health and Vectorworks Inc, an industry-specific 2D/3D design and BIM software solutions company. Harrison has been an active member of the DCVR Meetup Community and is currently the President of the University of Maryland Virtual Reality Club. Harrison is conducting research at UMD in conjunction with the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences in an effort to help better facilitate communication between typically developing people and people who have autism spectrum disorder. In addition, Harrison is involved in Startup Shell, a student run incubator program at UMD, where he is working on various entrepreneurial endeavors related to virtual reality. Harrison’s interests expand beyond virtual reality and include machine learning, computer vision, and data science.


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